Cant believe this hasnt been said yet.



I doubt it unless it’s getting foreclosed on or something. Meaning he’s broke (which he is) or it’s some part of some awful plan to get out of paying Quasi. Or Is it possible that they signed it over to mama raven or nikis mother to keep it out of Quasi’s reach? Would they be able to sneak that past us? Idk about that. Because outside of that, no one is buying that shit hole in da hood. And he doesn’t have the money to buy another or even put a down payment on another without selling the hovel.

But all that doesn’t matter honestly. He’ll never move. Neverrrrrr. It would be admitting that we have won. He would rather be tortured every day until his fat fuck heart expires.
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Sink Inspector

Jackie Singh fat
It's "not his house" because the interview was recorded on on the 2611 address and he's living on 2613. It's Technicality-Pat's way of dodging responsability for his property being a mess.

He says "THIS address" twice during the interview. he entire duplex explanation was cut by the TV people because he's a long-winded inarticulate faggot.


That's a really good point. The news networks have a formula for stories like the one they ran for Pat, usually they put any women and children front and center when they're trying to get a sympathetic point across. Niki wasn't available the day that they filmed it, maybe she refused to take part.
She’s probably too fucked up on brain pills to put a sentence together. Also crippling autism


Stand Alone Fruit
That's a really good point. The news networks have a formula for stories like the one they ran for Pat, usually they put any women and children front and center when they're trying to get a sympathetic point across. Niki wasn't available the day that they filmed it, maybe she refused to take part.
Even weirder since the whole “swatting” thing involved him shooting his wife yet she’s nowhere to be found on the interview. He even said she was swatted while he was away but she isn’t on the interview. Something’s very off here…


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan


posting here is taking time away from my workouts
i don't have the contract right off hand but he should owe something like 10% so 100k=10k
source: SFWA has open docs on the deal he "in theory" should have entered for money guggle ut guggle ut


posting here is taking time away from my workouts
that said without access to the actual filings I don't know, plus the money is being TOTALLY NOT LAUNDERED by his sweetheart adam rakunas already so who knows what whacky book cookin these fucks are really up too

they set their shit up so they don't even have to name the people on the council that decides where funds are directed so everything is totally legit