By Uncle Boomia's Request

You saw a Tasmanian Devil?
Yeah at the time I was in the navy and we went to Perth, Sydney and Tasmania. Perth was our first stop after spending 3 months in the Persian gulf and was fucking awesome.The people there were cool as shit and loved to party. Sydney was cool but it had a different vibe than Perth if that makes sense. In between we stopped for 2 days off the coast of Tasmania. Basically we took a day tour of Tasmania which included a trip to a zoo which is where I saw it. It didn't seem like there was much to do there anyway but I only spent the day there. I had plans to go see the F1 race in Melbourne and spend a few weeks traveling around 2 years ago but fucking covid canceled that.
Edit: This was 1996

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Yeah at the time I was in the navy and we went to Perth, Sydney and Tasmania. Perth was our first stop after spending 3 months in the Persian gulf and was fucking awesome.The people there were cool as shit and loved to party. Sydney was cool but it had a different vibe than Perth if that makes sense. In between we stopped for 2 days off the coast of Tasmania. Basically we took a day tour of Tasmania which included a trip to a zoo which is where I saw it. It didn't seem like there was much to do there anyway but I only spent the day there. I had plans to go see the F1 race in Melbourne and spend a few weeks traveling around 2 years ago but fucking covid canceled that.
Edit: This was 1996
There's so much to comment on. Perth and Sydney may as well be different countries. Nothing happens in Tasmania as far as I'm concerned.

Thank fuck you weren't here during Covid, you would have seen how truly Godless this shithole really is.