Buy a squat rack


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I have my own weights at home. I just do dead lifts and hack squats and pay for a day pass every couple of weeks when I need to do proper squats. I really don't want to pay $50+ a month to touch other people's sweat.


yep yep yep yep yep
I hate everything about gyms. The staff, the members, the lack of hygiene, the smell. But Im also a fat fuck, so that explains alot.
It was not so bad back when everyone was chill, now they want you to wear a fawking mask or some other bs, fuck that shit mang

Going for a jog on the street these days get me dirty looks, some retards will put a tissue on their fucking mouf once they saw me coming, cause there's a fucking pandemic going on. I am so tired of people mang but at least it's free unlike the gym


yep yep yep yep yep
it's been established that this behavior is just a "I DIDN'T VOTE FOR TRUMP" virtue signal, and has literally nothing to do with "covid Prevention"- correct?

nobody (literally NOBODY) is that stupid
I think half of the world is still masking up, where I live people will panic if you even slightly clear your throat or sneeze, this is all so retarded


I hate everything about gyms. The staff, the members, the lack of hygiene, the smell. But Im also a fat fuck, so that explains alot.

i usually jerk off in the shower right when i get home after seeing all those sexy bitches in gym shark leggings
I get really rapey thoughts, I just want to pull the spandex down of the girl on the stairmaster and eat her sweaty ass

I think leg day is a waste of time to be honest witcha
It really is pointless
And you feel like a faggot on the leg extensions when some broad is passive aggressively waiting on her phone to use it

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
I think leg day is a waste of time to be honest witcha