


Wwawd jordan peterson? I actually like the guy and he's done a lot of good for me and this world. His political stuff isnt my thing but whatever. I like his actual psychology lectures.

He cries a lot but his daughter is fucking an n person so I sympathize.
I met him before he was famous...whenever I need a reminder the world isn't all a conspiracy and ppl can rise to the top without being 'selected' I recall meeting him when he was just a run of the mill faculty professor no different from any other.


I met him before he was famous...whenever I need a reminder the world isn't all a conspiracy and ppl can rise to the top without being 'selected' I recall meeting him when he was just a run of the mill faculty professor no different from any other.
What was he like? Whatd you talk about? Id like to meet him. Tell him he's a cool dude. He never lies and has said he always appreciates that.


What was he like? Whatd you talk about? Id like to meet him. Tell him he's a cool dude. He never lies and has said he always appreciates that.

This was like 2008-2009ish, and he was giving a keynote speech on Jung and understanding why people follow evil commands or along those lines. He was more 'clinical'/jargony back then, but the same voice same delivery, honest etc.
He got lost.

As fucked up as he got on pills he needs face tats like Lil Peep.


Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
I’ve never listened to him because some faggot cocksucker truck driver from the sub called me out as a Jordan Peterson lover. All because some post I made trashing Ant blew up like crazy when half the sub still loved that pedophile. So I just never looked into him. But as a fuck up I should probably check him out.

Any suggestions where I should start?


I’ve never listened to him because some faggot cocksucker truck driver from the sub called me out as a Jordan Peterson lover. All because some post I made trashing Ant blew up like crazy when half the sub still loved that pedophile. So I just never looked into him. But as a fuck up I should probably check him out.

Any suggestions where I should start?
Watch his bbc news interview with cathy newman to see what type of guy he is. It's political shit which I dont normally like but it's entertaining and has 60 billion views for a reason.

Then watch his uni lectures. Maps of meaning is good. Or his bible lectures.


Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
Watch his bbc news interview with cathy newman to see what type of guy he is. It's political shit which I dont normally like but it's entertaining and has 60 billion views for a reason.

Then watch his uni lectures. Maps of meaning is good. Or his bible lectures.
Thanks Doug I really appreciate it.