Breast cancer awareness hate thread



Amen. I have to constantly remind my mom to stop giving time and money to those thieving Komen foundation kikes. That organization only exists to pay their executives a bunch of money and have parties all over the world in the name of “awareness”. Fuck that shit, I only donate to charities who do actual medical research.

Jesse Ventura

Access to the debates
We're aware. Can we stop this shit? It's not even the worst type of cancer. Cut your tits off and shut the fuck up.
It’s relative curability is part of the reason. It doesnt give people the willies as much as say, non-hodgkins lymphoma or bowel cancer or whatever. That and the fact it’s almost entirely women who get it so companies can look like they give a shit about women.

The NFL hypes this breast cancer awareness because their fans don’t want to see some skinny, withered, pale bald dude come out and say “I have a 3% chance to live but damnit, your donations can help someone 100 years down the line!” Seeing some middle aged lady in a pink jersey that (probably) won’t die is much more palatable for the marketing. Some bald child attached to al these tubes and machines? Nah! Doesn’t sell. People turn the channel.