Bobo meets a scammer (UPDATE: More O&A and Lynch)



I'm ripping this bit off (Hoo hoo) from another brotherman, but I tried to put my own spin on it. Lil bit, lil bit. It's gay but I thought you spergs would appreciate the references.
Dan, this is going to be another language to you.





It's probably not gonna go anywhere after this, but if something funny happens I'll update
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Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
TYFYS. This picture always makes me laugh. Colin looks so happy lol.

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I don’t understand why Opie resented Col after the OnA split. Col was the only person who’d play along with his bits. Lady Di’s internship was Col’s idea and Opie was the only one who thought it was great. He was willing to do the Bobo road trip with Colin as well. The worm and the ghoul just made passive aggressive remarks about shit then pretended to play along with everything. He leaned in completely to the super shows, as you see here. Which, once again, the 2 faggots would make passive aggressive remarks about it. Despite it being pretty much the only funny thing they did on the show before Anthony went looking for black men to fuck him.

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
Haha. Made me laugh. How the fuck is she still taking to you. Is she more retarded than bobo?

She is most likely a love scammer, they generally don’t stop talking until after you refuse to send them money. They will continue talking to you even after you tell them the most ridiculous shit that you can think of. They are on all dating sites and social media.

Opie Army

I coulda been a mawdull
She is most likely a love scammer, they generally don’t stop talking until after you refuse to send them money. They will continue talking to you even after you tell them the most ridiculous shit that you can think of. They are on all dating sites and social media.
That's all I ever got on tinder besides like 400lb sexually liberated monsters, but like I'm as bored as Pat so I'll chat with some goofy broad & send a cock pic & say sorry

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
I send it when it's a scammer wanting screenshots of crypto app, I'll send my cock & screenshots of Google Play store showing the app not installed

Definitely smart as they hate it. I have done a full on Patrick impression with a scammer to the point that they gave up from being called, “child” repeatedly. The scammer actually questioned why they were called a child and sperged out when I kept it going. I wish I took screenshots of my vastly unfunny conversation.


are you a boomer? you were either talking to a bot or a street shitter, embarrassing really shit! I wasn't under the impression that I was talking to a young, attractive woman. I wasn't hoping they'd get O&A references. It was for my own amusement, and then for the autists here. I'm not really even telling a joke, just making dumb references to Bobo's life.

What do you do for a living, character?
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