Blacks are so retarded lol witnessed today.

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
I live on the west coast. So when there is a wreak on the intersection, it backs up for fucking miles!!!

Of course, this dumb ass negro some how drove into a side of a cliff (lol) and his air bags came out and all . He is out of his car screaming to 911, crying about YO I DON"T KNOW WAT HAPPEN 911!! Grown ass man crying lol

the two white women in another car looked scared as shit lol

backed up traffic for like 5 miles.

The Fuchitive

Still alive as of January 2024


Ribbed for your pleasure
Even reddit is starting to wake up. I lurk there and a post about Dindus looting London was locked because people had the audacity to point out it was almost all nogs n members of the religion of peace.