Better Call Saul final episode prediction poll

Will Kim spread her cheeks and show her asshole?

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  • No

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I want her to pull out her pecker and anally rape and kill Jimmy. afterwards she should blow her fucking brains out, R Bud Dwyer style. This would be the only way the show could end in a satisfactory way for me. I hate them both so much and not in the way the writers intended.


I want her to pull out her pecker and anally rape and kill Jimmy. afterwards she should blow her fucking brains out, R Bud Dwyer style. This would be the only way the show could end in a satisfactory way for me. I hate them both so much and not in the way the writers intended.
The writers wanted to make the viewers like her again for breaking down and confessing to Howard's wife. But no, child. That's not how any of this works. She needs to actually pay for her crimes, like how Jesse was tortured in the last 3 episodes of Breaking Bad. That's what absolved him of all the bad things he did. Kim never went through that.


The writers wanted to make the viewers like her again for breaking down and confessing to Howard's wife. But no, child. That's not how any of this works. She needs to actually pay for her crimes, like how Jesse was tortured in the last 3 episodes of Breaking Bad. That's what absolved him of all the bad things he did. Kim never went through that.
Vince Gilligan is in love with all his characters too much to have them go out on anything other than a high note. Even if Jimmy goes to jail, it's because he chooses to turn himself in, seeing the error of his ways. Not because the cops suddenly find and drag him it.


yep yep yep yep yep
She looked so good when the show started, alongside with the young handsome Opie it was perfect. But as the shit drags on she became more and more of a hag, it really didn't help that handsome Opie start losing his hair:rolleyes:. The more time she spent with Bobby the more point she loses, it was the final nail in the coffin in the last few eppy

love the yep yep yep guy tho👑👑👑