Beto O'Faggot



His instant reaction tells me this "heckler" was set up like those Steve Hofstetter "owns heckler" videos. Perfect set up for his "slam dunk" to get the cat lady and soymales to start clapping like trained seals. Fake and mega gay. Also, this homo laughed during his unsolicited press conference on that supposed El Paso Walmart shooting a few years back. Duping delight perhaps?


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
His instant reaction tells me this "heckler" was set up like those Steve Hofstetter "owns heckler" videos. Perfect set up for his "slam dunk" to get the cat lady and soymales to start clapping like trained seals. Fake and mega gay. Also, this homo laughed during his unsolicited press conference on that supposed El Paso Walmart shooting a few years back. Duping delight perhaps?

It's always a set up when you have a quick response like that


A bunch of rednecks surrounded his car at a campaign stop. Nothing happened but glad to see people actually do heckle this faggot when he can't stage it with a fake-edgy "witty" comeback.
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Beto is 100% Irish.
His wife is you-know-whoish and her father is one of the biggest landowners in Texas. Completely propped-up astroturfed fraud faggot.
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His instant reaction tells me this "heckler" was set up like those Steve Hofstetter "owns heckler" videos. Perfect set up for his "slam dunk" to get the cat lady and soymales to start clapping like trained seals. Fake and mega gay. Also, this homo laughed during his unsolicited press conference on that supposed El Paso Walmart shooting a few years back. Duping delight perhaps?
I know the "everything in the news is fake" stance is a bridge too far for most people and I'm sure there's times where that isn't the case, but don't forget the entire planet was hoodwinked by these ssssscumbags when it came to COVID. They're not above completely lying and even staging events on that scale, so smaller things aren't really such a leap.