Best of Trump Thread



Memes and funny stuff aside, his pardoning of US military members who got Derek Chauvin'd, knowing he would face media backlash, is definitely up there. Most notable case is the "Blackrock Massacre" soldiers:


  • Soldiers go on patrol through dangerous area
  • Are warned of a white SUV that contains a car bomb
  • Get ambushed during their patrol
  • Surrounded by terrorists who are shooting at them
  • During the gunfight, a white SUV approaches
  • White SUV is warned to STOP, warning shots are fired, the white SUV ignores and barrels toward them
  • The gunner shoots the SUV, stopping it
  • Turns out the SUV was not a car bomb but rather an idiot civilian who decided to drive towards the focus of gunfire who was warning them to "stop or get killed"
  • Regardless the soldiers are cleared of any wrongdoing for obvious reasons
  • Fast forward several years, Biden flies over and does a joint press conference
  • Someone starts grilling him about "muh massacre of innocent people"
  • He says "Don't worry we'll get those guys"
  • All 5 soldiers in the vehicle as the time of the ambushed are charged and convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to life in prison despite the fact that 4 of them had nothing to do with it and were focused on the other terrorists who were actively shooting them
  • Trump pardons all 5 of them, queue outcry from the media and UN "Human Rights" organizations. "Pardoning muh war criminals" etc.

Many such cases. Well worth the listen if you have the time.