As the "leader of the circus", Dan Mullen thought he was untouchable on the forums


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
He was pulling the 'you bring nothing to the table' and 'come on the podcast to debate me' shit within the first few episodes of that thing iirc.

You flew too close to the sun, Daniel. You could've had a career as the head of a global podcasting empire but now it's back selling the finest rubber dog shit door-to-door for you.
He was pulling the 'you bring nothing to the table' and 'come on the podcast to debate me' shit within the first few episodes of that thing iirc.

You flew too close to the sun, Daniel. You could've had a career as the head of a global podcasting empire but now it's back selling the finest rubber dog shit door-to-door for you.
Kinda sad seeing his last conversation with Boomia. @covidcumia coulda looked out for him lil bit. Just a lil bit.


Kinda sad seeing his last conversation with Boomia. @covidcumia coulda looked out for him lil bit. Just a lil bit. [MEDIA=youtube]_Z66hw6q-zY[/MEDIA]


Kinda sad seeing his last conversation with Boomia. @covidcumia coulda looked out for him lil bit. Just a lil bit. [MEDIA=youtube]_Z66hw6q-zY[/MEDIA]
I tried, I offered to tell people the bomb threat/apology thing was scripted, he wanted to keep the "illusion". I think it turned out that I was correcT. Dan did good running the weekly Pat cast and it could have gotten much better.


Leader of the circus... let us never forget he thought that about himself. I hope his wife chokes to death on Tyrone's next shit.