Armed Black Panther group will try to “shut down” Sesame Place on Saturday.


Stand Alone Fruit
That’s right, that dumb non-story of a costumed character not giving a high five to two black girls has now turned into a civil rights issue. (that grifter lawyer Ben Crump is involved to make that $$$)

So angry armed black groups and BLM are going to the famous children’s park to “shut them down” on a busy Saturday.

What could go wrong?!?!?

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.

Not quite, Count.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
I thought they were joking when they said the family was suing the park but then remembered lawyers have no shame and ruin everything. Of course black on black crime is a serious problem with people getting killed everyday but Sesame Place is the real problem.
You ever seen a nigger not take easy money? SP will settle for "an undisclosed sum" and dey gon' get paid.
I saw the footage and it was hilarious. Ignoring the little noglets is actually a very sound business strategy, as once a theme park is overrun by them, it's basically ruined. Go to any east coast theme park on a summer weekday and you'll see bus load after bus load of feral, inner-city nogs running hog wild and making the park unusable for everyone else. Giving them a place to congregate and pack up together is always a huge mistake.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
Go to any east coast theme park on a summer weekday and you'll see bus load after bus load of feral, inner-city nogs running hog wild and making the park unusable for everyone else.

Disney World was one of the last safe ones bc its so expensive. You'd get better clientele than the Six Flags parks and wherever else you could get in with a Pepsi can discount.


Reminder: Vincent D'Onofrio blocked Patrick

Disney World was one of the last safe ones bc its so expensive. You'd get better clientele than the Six Flags parks and wherever else you could get in with a Pepsi can discount.
The ones in the white t shirts are there for a six year olds birthday party too.

Another classic:
About a year ago or so there was another story from the Sesame Place park where two employees were physically assaulted by a black couple for being told to wear a mask.
It's inevitable wherever they congregate. Some ghetto church or fugazi "charity" gets a discounted group rate, and they load a few school buses full of wild, feral ghetto youth, then turn them loose in the theme park, where they proceed to totally lose their minds. As usual, they get all over-stimulated and entitled, which is always followed by violence and a bunch of cars in the lot getting broken into or stolen. The park staff understandably grows to dread them, but they can't say so out loud. Elmo, though, he just didn;t give a fuck.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
The ones in the white t shirts are there for a six year olds birthday party too.

Another classic:

Got damn. There were so many twists and turns, allegiances being formed, familial ties being broken, hair pulls and choke holds with some the softest slap-punches ever thrown.

The "Hollywood Crip" (in red 🙄) only got six months in county. The sister and her husband (nogs in white) apparently skipped their court date. And that girlfriend had some big juicy titties that need love and a white man's gentle touch.
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