Are you in the Halloween Spirit?


See, Because a 'spirit' is also a ghoost.

For those of you who live lonely unloved drunken lives, how do you celebrate these events if at all? I suspect it's mostly food oriented. A couple of dogs and burgers on the 4th. Some turkey on Thanksgeeveeng. Etc. I have younger relatives to bum candy off of luckily and it softens the blow of "celebrating" nonsense.

But do you celebrate this childish halloween shit? The most I will do is watch some horror movies, and other creepy things like old timey radio plays, Art Bell compilations, some of them Haunted shows, listen to some monster related music. And maybe indulge in some of that candy, just a taste. Just a little bit.

Anybody got Denny Falcone's Halloween playlist off the hard drive of hits? I know we kick it off with a little Edgar Winter Frankenstein... heuh heuh heh. Vurry good. Werewolves of London. Alright? Heh... Some uhh Candlemass Bewitched?? I go deep with the monster music.


Every Halloween I've been getting drunk and watching scary movies. Halloween 2020 was good. 2021 was shit. Hoping for a good 2022.

2021 was shit because I was trying to play dead by daylight but the PS4 kept wanting to do fucking updates and I couldn't play, fucking queers.

Jesse Ventura

Access to the debates
I love Halloween. I go to the local theatre all month and watch horror movies. They play old shit which is great. I buy full size chocolate bars to give out to the kids as they trick or treat. I watch Simpson’s, King of the Hill, and Beavis and Butt-Head Halloween specials. My GF makes us costumes. I used to carve a bunch of pumpkins but I’m too lazy to bother now.


Halloween being good really depends on your age. Obviously, it's great as a kid because of all the free candy. Around the Middle School/Jr. High/Early High School age it turns kinda lame because if you go out begging for candy people give you shit for being too old. Then once you're old enough to party it becomes great again because it's an excuse to get fucked up and chicks use it as an excuse to dress like skanks. After you grow out of that it becomes lame again until you have kids of your own or nephews/nieces then it's cool taking them out Trick or Treating.

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
Halloween is my favourite holiday because autumn is my favourite season and i have a lot of fond memories of sitting in watching horror movies and halloween specials.

I’m a fag.