Are these guys two of the biggest faggots here?

Are these guys two of the biggest faggots here?

  • Fawk yeah!

  • No, we're all equally gay

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Man, this list of people who wanna die keeps getting longer
@Feltch My Ass has always been as sweet as pie to me. Leave dat boy alone.
As you can see not only is he a bully, but also not only threatened my life, but the lives of other brothermen. If you knew a child molester that was about to be hung by an angry mod would you say "Hey guise! He's always been nice to ME, so please let that man be!". Very self-centered of you...Are you some kind of narcissist?


As you can see not only is he a bully, but also not only threatened my life, but the lives of other brothermen. If you knew a child molester that was about to be hung by an angry mod would you say "Hey guise! He's always been nice to ME, so please let that man be!". Very self-centered of you...Are you some kind of narcissist?
I can’t take any more infighting. I tried as hard as possible to sideline myself during the Danposting because it was sorta gay and I’m a purist. As in queerly pure, you might say.

You will accept his palette cleansing obnoxious hilarity or not. Your choice.


Rink Lee Fa Ni

This certainly is mo-ish behaviour, but the number one faggot of the forum will always be P-Titty/KillaKuhnsDeadSon/Agent Qadan