Are the Vietnamese the easiest of all the Asians to get along with?

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
Double teamed a Viet chick I worked with and fucked in the office countless times. She had regrets afterwards, but not before blowing my black friend and taking it in the ass for twenty minutes from me.

Huge tits and nips. Ha, nips.

EDIT: I read this as Are Viets the easiest of all Asians. Not sure I really like any of the ones I've met to be honest. They always look like they're up to something.
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but not before blowing my black friend and taking it in the ass for twenty minutes from me.

You fucked the black guy in the ass for 20 minutes?



Persians, as long as you’re not trying to buy something from them.


I have a face like a shovel
Filipino's are actually the answer to OP's question.

I've never met a Filipino who wasn't cool af

plus-- they work very hard, and are generally good people

and this is why I still use the term "Oriental".

Because how am I supposed to set apart Persians, and Russians from people of "Sino", Oriental is sexy AF


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Used to know this waitress at this Chinese place I'd go to that was Vietnamese. She was friendly, always telling me how nice Vietnam was to visit even wanted me to come over to her place and make me food. Pretty sure she wanted to bang me though