Are older superhero movies actually good or just good by comparison

I watched the Raimi Spider Man 2 and I was pretty into it. Are super hero movies prior to 2010 well made or do I think they are because the current crop is so bland and forgettable?


Superman: The Movie, Spider-Man 2 and Batman Returns all hold up still. The first Burton Batman is fucking horrendous though, I tried watching it again a couple years ago and couldn't finish it.


Still spreading the O&A virus
Every superhero movie is basically for children. Like Harry Potter or Superman or even Star Wars. Adult fantasy or sci-fi can be done like Aliens, Predator, Terminator, and whatnot. But nearly everything with superheroes in it either starts as trash or descends to mediocrity. The idea of superhuman people that can blow anything up and fly and so on is too absurd as a premise when they exist in our normal world. Like powerful Jedi make sense in Star Wars universe but would be retarded on modern earth.

Superhero parody stuff like Kick Ass or The Boys nosedive into junk writing almost instantly. Kick Ass did not even get through one sequel before it crashed and burned and now they are rebooting it with niggers and woke nonsense. The Boys is basically not even a parody anymore it is just Marvel comics with fag characters and shoehorned politics.
The run of superhero movies in the 2000's wasnt terrible and still mostly holds up today. I grew up on Batman with Keaton so I'll always be a fan of those 2 flicks. Problem is Hollywood can't come up with anything original so we are reduced to the same 8 movies being remade until the end of time.


I liked the movie The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen a lot but it got shit on by reviews and ratings and I do not know why.
Same. It wasn't a cinematic classic but it was fun, which is all you can expect from a superhero movie. Most movies aren't great but some are good enough to sit through.

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
Every superhero movie is basically for children. Like Harry Potter or Superman or even Star Wars. Adult fantasy or sci-fi can be done like Aliens, Predator, Terminator, and whatnot. But nearly everything with superheroes in it either starts as trash or descends to mediocrity. The idea of superhuman people that can blow anything up and fly and so on is too absurd as a premise when they exist in our normal world. Like powerful Jedi make sense in Star Wars universe but would be retarded on modern earth.

Superhero parody stuff like Kick Ass or The Boys nosedive into junk writing almost instantly. Kick Ass did not even get through one sequel before it crashed and burned and now they are rebooting it with niggers and woke nonsense. The Boys is basically not even a parody anymore it is just Marvel comics with fag characters and shoehorned politics.

Not that I'm defending the boys or kick ass, but didn't Seth Rogan have something to do with both? I know with the Boys he does.