are fake smart people the worse?

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
Are fake smart people the worse, state college faggots, I mean? I get going to college for a STEM degree, but high schools build up these fucktards to get a teaching or journalism degree. Total jew ploy. Not only that but these fucktards get addicted to going to school, building up so much student loans. No wonder these fuck tards are miserable cunts.

I get people that have full rides going to college, but usually, they would have made it without a degree anyway. I don't know why you need a degree in business to sell shit on the phone or in person?

These faggots that go to college always get that fucking attitude also. Like they are better than you because they took out a loan and got drunk and high for 4 to five years. When they go to the workforce, they end up being fucking useless.

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
I was making a point with the misuse of it! Derrrrr . bet you had a 1.7 GPA in buttschool.

and yes, I'm working on my 3rd. Thank you.


I was making a point with the misuse of it! Derrrrr . bet you had a 1.7 GPA in buttschool.

and yes, I'm working on my 3rd. Thank you.
