Anyone into true crime podcasts

Malibu Pat

Apocalyptic prophylactic
I use Apple and Spotify to listen to podcasts. Anyone listen to true crime podcasts on either platform. What kind do you brothermen listen to


Not podcasts so much but YouTube for like forensic files and shows like that. It think the channel is film rise. Fawkin love to fall asleep to crime shit.


"The Clown and the Candyman" from Investigation Discovery was really good. About the connection between two fag serial killers (John Wayne Gacy and Dean Corll) that were very likely connected through a nationwide pedo ring. Disturbing but well-made and interesting.

They made a couple other series that were interesting. One was about the Long Island Serial Killer. The content was great but the hosts were annoying hateable faggots that unnecessarily injected shit like calling prostitutes "sex workers" into the story. The story is worth a listen if you can get past that.

Spotify also has the full audiobook of Nick Bryant's "The Franklin Scandal," about a political scandal in Omaha, Nebraska that uncovered a bunch of corruption, another nationwide pedophile ring, murder, blackmail, etc. Pre-Epstein era. Very good listen.

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
I saw The Clown and the Candyman documentary on TV.

It wasn't a podcast yet, but I saw Missing Maura Murray when it was simply a YouTube channel that showed up in my recommendations. I seriously think these guys might be necrophiliacs, or perhaps the perfect case of Patrice's "pretty white girl goes missing" audience. The bizarre part is that the show seems to be aimed at men, unlike 99.9% of true crime. I found the people involved to be creepy autists and haven't listened in years.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
Your Own Backyard from 2019 is pretty good. Really well-researched; the dude who hosts it basically reignited interest in a missing persons case that was 25 years old. Lead suspect is now on trial, but I'm not sure how that's going since it's happening now and I'm listening to an audio book on whaling in New England right now.

EDIT: say "now" again, faggot