Anyone interested in getting Pat's thoughts on this?




94% of dem fags under 30 don't want shit for brains pudding head pedophile to run in 2024.


Reminder: Vincent D'Onofrio blocked Patrick
Reparations is probably a Hail Mary that they're considering. Or whatever the more realistic equivalent is to give their history textbook blurb a chance; Free College for Latinx, trans bathrooms in every gov building, etc.


Did anybody think they'd run him again in 2024? The whole reason they went with him was because he was the only one who moderates would vote for and it still took the full force of the media, a Pandemic, social unrest, and some weird mail in voting scheme to take Trump down.

I love it - now whenever my rich, whiny liberal friends/family members complain about Republicans or the government or w/e the fuck I just ask them what they are so mad about? The Dems have the House, Senate, and Presidency. Sure, gas prices are a little bit higher but that's only a problem for the poor people you thought you were helping, which was worth it because you got Trump out.

I have nothing to back up my claims and am full of shit but they usually get so angry it doesn't even get to a point where I have to prove anything.


Crumbly feta is not God's Plan
I think a lot of people dont even think he will even make it to 2024.
I don't know what jew serum they give them but these fucking presidents live forever. Reagan, Bush 1, Carter, Ford, all died or are in their late 80s/mid 90s. Clintons looked in rough shape for a long time now so the juries still out on him. Fucking Kissinger is still alive.

Will Tate

Oven March
I don't know what jew serum they give them but these fucking presidents live forever. Reagan, Bush 1, Carter, Ford, all died or are in their late 80s/mid 90s. Clintons looked in rough shape for a long time now so the juries still out on him. Fucking Kissinger is still alive.
I'm sure those silly, preposterous conspiracy theories about demonic ritual sacrifice and ingesting the blood of children has absolutely nothing to do with it.


May St. Mel bless you
I love it - now whenever my rich, whiny liberal friends/family members complain about Republicans or the government or w/e the fuck I just ask them what they are so mad about? The Dems have the House, Senate, and Presidency. Sure, gas prices are a little bit higher but that's only a problem for the poor people you thought you were helping, which was worth it because you got Trump out.

I have nothing to back up my claims and am full of shit but they usually get so angry it doesn't even get to a point where I have to prove anything.

It's fun. The people that voted for the guy that lost are supposed to be the ones who are pissed off. Libs were angry under Bush and Trump, and conservatives were pissed off during Obama. But right now, it's Democrats who are frustrated and people on the right are in a high spirits.