Anyone else starting to find Ukraine tiring?


fuck jews

It’s almost like this dude wants the money to keep coming. Really annoyed with this manlet.
I wish the Russians would have taken this guy out early. Him and the wife begging for more money all the time and our Government just writing a blank check.

I found Ukraine tiring from the onset. This guy basically allowed his country to be blown to bits rather than just admit defeat and became part of Russia like it was meant to be.


I wish the Russians would have taken this guy out early. Him and the wife begging for more money all the time and our Government just writing a blank check.

I found Ukraine tiring from the onset. This guy basically allowed his country to be blown to bits rather than just admit defeat and became part of Russia like it was meant to be.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
I wish the Russians would have taken this guy out early. Him and the wife begging for more money all the time and our Government just writing a blank check.

I found Ukraine tiring from the onset. This guy basically allowed his country to be blown to bits rather than just admit defeat and became part of Russia like it was meant to be.
It sucks having your country invaded, but what sucks more is when I see Ukrainian flags flying in support over here. Fuck off with your virtue signaling. The hipocrisy of the USA sickens me too, when we invade a nation for nefarious reasons we are freedom lovers, and we call the people we invaded insurgents. This is a war between the Ukraine and Russia and me paying 5 bucks a gallon over it sucks my nuts
They really are having this entire war over Brittney Griner?
Nah she's a net loss for her jewish owner. He doesn't have to pay her salary and he gets to milk " free Brittney" campaigns for some cash so he and the tribe are happy how this worked out. Now if that was Lebron the world would be on fire, though I'm not sure if it would be from nukes or niggers burning down the world until his release.