Anyone else had it with this Taiwan shit?


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
What was the point of Nancy “Knockers” Pelosi even going there? Slow Joe Biden told her it wasn’t a good idea, as did the Pentagon. Now we’re watching bug people perform some military exercises for 4 days, while this old bitch isn’t even in the country anymore and is back to jet setting.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
I'd say they're actually trying to piss off China. They have a potentially serious financial/ real estate crisis brewing so why not have a quick shit in their back yard while they already have their hands full?
Ah ok. Yeah, I don’t read much news (16, dick) about China. Are they having some fawkin’ problems over there?

If so, I think it’s hilarious that they released this virus and now it’s pounding them in the ass.


Get up here and shut up!
Ah ok. Yeah, I don’t read much news (16, dick) about China. Are they having some fawkin’ problems over there?

If so, I think it’s hilarious that they released this virus and now it’s pounding them in the ass.
I don't know about the virus being so bad over there. China is about to have some bank runs and some unregulated banks are running off with billions of dollars of peoples money who thought they were depositing into saving accounts but were supposedly unknowingly putting their savings into non-guaranteed investment accounts which the bank just empties out. The virus is just a way to enforce control, censor what's happening, and keep people locked down so they can't do anything.

I'm not gonna be a Tomlinson and pretend to be a snooty expert on what's going on over there as I'm just learning what's been unfolding over the past few months myself, and I'm surprised nobody is really talking about it. Nobody has really even been talking about how bad this was all gonna turn out when investors were building entire towns over the past 10-15 years that nobody was really moving into.


It’s all just a big circus, am i right gang?
