Anyone else get completely naked to take a shit?



Not unless I'm about to hop in the shower. I often take one leg out of my pants/boxers to get a wider shitting stance though.
Exactly. There have been more than a couple of occasions where I've used the jet setting on the shower head aimed at ass and felt something "dislodge." All that can be done and that point is to towel off and shuffle back to the shitter. Only a Puritan would put clothes on at that point
Sometimes. If I am about to get in the shower. If I just get out of the shower and feel I need to go (I try to avoid that because I hate wasting a fresh asshole). And lastly, if I have to go in the middle of the night after I’ve gone to bed (sleeping nude).


If you're home, it makes no sense to not completely undress. I shit naked every single time. I also lay paper down on the seat every single time, even at home, because I'm a fancy American who deserves the luxury of a warm seat.

I have always thought people who just pull their pants to their ankles are disgusting. Good job resting your clothing up against the literal shit and piss appliance in your home, retard.

Are you really so fat that it takes you more than 10 seconds to put clothes on?

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
I usually lounge around the house in shorts and no shirt, so I wind up naked by default. I'm not going sit in my own home with my shorts touching the floor.