Anyone down for a game of Mafia?


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Patrick's "suss" tweet reminded me of my college days when I'd host (online and real life) Mafia-type games. If you never played here's a quick wikipedia article:

Essentially it's a team game of an uninformed majority (the villagers) vs an informed minority (the mafia). Every night, the mafia secretly kills a villager, then every day all players must vote for a player to be lynched. Villagers win when they kill all the mafia, mafia wins when they kill all the villagers.

The only rule is don't cheat. Don't sign up with your main & alt. It's not fun that way. The rules are simple, so don't worry if you've never played before. If we can get a dozen or even more interested we can play!

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
