Any of you fucks watch Black Bird?

CuntFucker .

Danny Doll Eyes
I watched the first three so far. The little fat guy is my favorite actor of his generation. Show kind of feels like it won't pay off, though.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
I watched the first three so far. The little fat guy is my favorite actor of his generation. Show kind of feels like it won't pay off, though.

It's definitely worth watching til the end. The performances alone make it enjoyable even if it's full of crime/prison drama cliches. Felt like it could've easily been 10 episodes rather than 6 though. There's certain stuff that never really gets explored very well.


finished it last night and really liked it. I hope Kuhn is having an easier time in prison then that dude!
I just saw the trailer and it does look good. Also the fact that it is a miniseries is something I also appreciate. I hate shows that keep going on endlessly and ruining the premise.

I'll definitely watch Black Bird. Also, who the fuck has Apple TV+?
