Any of the brothermen ever wrestled a bear?






I'm conflicted about this guy- on the one hand, that's a shitty way to go. On the other, they're Grizzly bears nigga, you got a better chance of taming niggers in the Pork and Beans, so you he kinda had it coming? Then to top it off, he roped some gullible broad into his delusions and got her killed as well-- also, got the Grizzly he was trying to protect killed as well. So, nice conservation, stupid.


I'm conflicted about this guy- on the one hand, that's a shitty way to go. On the other, they're Grizzly bears nigga, you got a better chance of taming niggers in the Pork and Beans, so you he kinda had it coming? Then to top it off, he roped some gullible broad into his delusions and got her killed as well-- also, got the Grizzly he was trying to protect killed as well. So, nice conservation, stupid.

I’ll keep this brief. He was in it for all the wrong reasons. He was a clout chaser if there ever was one. He wanted to fuck ‘bears’ (grrrr) but he didn’t have the courage cause he was a repressed alcoholic fag. He didn’t respect nature, if he really respected those animals he would have left them alone, in peace. He got what he deserved. I said my piece.


I’ll keep this brief. He was in it for all the wrong reasons. He was a clout chaser if there ever was one. He wanted to fuck ‘bears’ (grrrr) but he didn’t have the courage cause he was a repressed alcoholic fag. He didn’t respect nature, if he really respected those animals he would have left them alone, in peace. He got what he deserved. I said my piece.
I was addicted to alcohol, now I'm addicted to getting eaten alive by Grizzly bears!

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
The bears got tired of him talking about how beautiful and majestic they are all the time. I'd get annoyed if some weird little fuck started hanging around me and my friends, chattering all queer about how cool we are. I'd claw him and his dumb girlfriend into kibble, too.