Any brothermen go to Burning Man?


Shock Jock
I remember when Burning Man was a festival where the neighborhood caught a negro after sunset



Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Fawkin thought about it. But I hate crowds, shitty club music, hippies/hipsters/faggots, don't use the drugs, and like to get a good night's sleep.

Think a steam power show or sled-pulling with horses and mules would be more my speed.

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
I haven't been in 10 years but went 4 years in a row and wouldn't really want to go now. It WAS fucking amazing in tons of ways. It's way more expensive then it was when I went. 300 bucks for a week plus of insane shit was a pretty good deal. Now I think it's like 2000 or something and they let way more people in. Getting in and out can be brutal if you're doing either at the same time as most people but if you come early and stay late it's no big deal. Between 2009 and 2012 I saw a huge shift in the tone of the place and not a good one. They didn't do it for two years due to the scam and then they announced they were gonna do it last year but you had to have the tard shot and then cancelled it anyway. During those two years, people just went out there anyways because it's BLM land and built a mini one, which those sounded great: free, less people, more like the Burns of the 90s.