Anthony already tweeting uninformed ass licking nonsense.

Sue Lightning


What does this have to do with womens equality or feminists you retard? Stop projecting your miserable divorce onto everything. “They really think they’re entitled to do anything without consequences” No but I think they’re entitled to not be punched in the fucking face by fat police officers if they were really peacefully protesting.

What is his stumping for cops about anyway? Lets put this into perspective. If a bunch of Republican college students started getting punched in the face by police officers Anthony would be rage tweeting right now. But per usual, his common denominator for outrage isn’t context but “Was there a minority involved?”

Sue Lightning

Your daily reminder Black the Blue Cumia seriously said, on multiple occasions, that the police took video evidence that prove he didn't beat up his girlfriend and deliberately got rid of it to railroad him in court.
Which is fucking hilarious when you know Ants history with the cops. Stories of them showing up to a house party at 2am being friendly with him, agreeing with him that the neighbor is a cunt who wants to sleep peacefully. The periscope videos of the cops showing up and Ant being all friendly with them until they leave. According to Ant pre-Dani, him and the cops were best fucking friends. So logically they would steal video tapes that would absolve him of his nigger antics.

Sue Lightning

I wanted to use this thread to comment on something i’ve been thinking about for a while without shitting up the board with a useless post that could be a comment. When I listen back to the Ant and Dani periscope you get a really good look into Ants broken and retarded psyche. Just before the video starts we know he ripped a phone out of the wall and bit her hand, yet he’s sashaying around the house going “Come on babe! Wanna sing kareoke lets sing! You’ll fall over the Ottoman like Dick Van Dyke!” then the cops come and he slinks back into his pussy self “Yeah we were uh just uh….screwing around hehehe.” At the end of the video you hear Ant approach Dani with teeth clenched going “YOU KNOCK THIS THE FUCK OFF NOW”. In all my time of listening to O&A it is the only time i’ve ever heard that pansy genuinely aggressive.

My point is is that that behavior is apparent in Ant’s daily life. He walks around like everything is great. If he has any problems, it’s a character! I’m being funny! But behind the scenes I can only imagine how fucking unhinged he is.

Like the niggers he complains about Ant takes no responsibility. Instead of admitting he has a problem with women or drinking he claims the cops fucked him by destroying evidence that would exonerate him. He thinks it’s all a big fucking joke because that’s how he treats everything. He washes over his broken fucked up head with empty humor and alcohol.
I wanted to use this thread to comment on something i’ve been thinking about for a while without shitting up the board with a useless post that could be a comment. When I listen back to the Ant and Dani periscope you get a really good look into Ants broken and retarded psyche. Just before the video starts we know he ripped a phone out of the wall and bit her hand, yet he’s sashaying around the house going “Come on babe! Wanna sing kareoke lets sing! You’ll fall over the Ottoman like Dick Van Dyke!” then the cops come and he slinks back into his pussy self “Yeah we were uh just uh….screwing around hehehe.” At the end of the video you hear Ant approach Dani with teeth clenched going “YOU KNOCK THIS THE FUCK OFF NOW”. In all my time of listening to O&A it is the only time i’ve ever heard that pansy genuinely aggressive.

My point is is that that behavior is apparent in Ant’s daily life. He walks around like everything is great. If he has any problems, it’s a character! I’m being funny! But behind the scenes I can only imagine how fucking unhinged he is.

Like the niggers he complains about Ant takes no responsibility. Instead of admitting he has a problem with women or drinking he claims the cops fucked him by destroying evidence that would exonerate him. He thinks it’s all a big fucking joke because that’s how he treats everything. He washes over his broken fucked up head with empty humor and alcohol.
He's been wearing that moronic "what, me worry?" fake-happy look on his hideous mug for so long it's become permanent. Being drunk off his ass, and wandering around giggling and hooting is his default setting now. He no doubt completely falls to pieces whenever real, adult reality rears its ugly head.