Alex Berenson was permanently suspended from Twitter last year and is back!


Keyboard Warrior
Alex was permanently suspended last year.

He sued Twitter and got a settlement in which they admitted he should have never been suspended. They reinstated his account today.

BONUS: He has his blue checkmark.


hahahahaha fatty an anti-vaxxer got suspended and when he got reinstated he got his blue checkmark and you didn't hahahahahahaha fatty

Boy, I really hope someone on reddit doesn't point this out to him through text message.
To flaunt masks laws, of course!

I don't watch Tucker Carlson anymore, but when I did at the beginning of COVID Berenson came on and always looked like he had been on a bender the night before. Very disheveled and looked like he hadn't slept in ages.
I always thought he looked crazy in the eyes too. Looked like he was on the verge of going off the deep end at any second.


Nice For Here
I've been meaning to ask some Twitter questions:

Who has the highest number of followers without being verified?

I've never heard of anyone but Pat losing their verification for getting banned. Has it ever happened to anyone else? Is Pat the only one?
One of Pig's buddies, Stonekettle (, has 206k followers and never applied for a checkmark. Unsurprisingly, he constantly brings everyone's attention to the fact that he could totally have one if he wanted one, but he doesn't, but don't forget that he could.