AI Ozzy Osbourne



I did an autistic and unnecessary investigation into Ozzy's fake voice.

I'm 99% sure they used AI to make "Ozzy's" new album. I put on one of his terrible new songs with Zakk Wylde and Eric fucking Clapton. I immediately noticed how fake and processed the vocals were. So I watched his halftime performance last night, and it sounded the same. Birmingham 2021, same thing. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but then I watched this:


Now tell me that pickled codger sang this:


He's decaying. There's no way that feeble old man is doing those vocals. You'd be stupid to think so. Sharon looks like a cartoon character, and is being an evil Early Life section by trotting out this demented fuck for one last cash grab. She decided on an AI version of his voice for new songs, and is going to kill him by making him lip-sync in front of ten thousand Jim Nortons every night.

Nice sperg out, faggot.


Saw that Birmingham performance and thought he looked unusually wide-eyed. Wonder if they're giving him the same treatment as virtual Biden. Some kind of uncanny valley situation going on.
Sharon is giving him the Bruce Willis treatment. I feel bad for him. Just let the sick old fuck enjoy his last years.

I just hope Norton will be okay and doesn't relapse when Ozzy dies, he probably will eat a tub of rum raisin ice cream and just fucking brooooood.
It's gonna be a tough one, man. I really want to hear him justify this shit.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
I thought my dad was joking when he said Ozzy was playing the halftime show last night because he’s like half dead. They just plugged his album, played a few chords, he started “singing” and then they cut to the shitty sideline reporters. Not sure what’s worse, them or a geriatric Ozzy pretending to sing.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Do you think he kept the books he tried giving Ozzy?
The look of absolute defeat in the worms face fills me with so much joy, this celebrity obsession is the only thing he has in his life, and at this exact moment he realized none of them give a fuck about him.

I did an autistic and unnecessary investigation into Ozzy's fake voice.

I'm 99% sure they used AI to make "Ozzy's" new album. I put on one of his terrible new songs with Zakk Wylde and Eric fucking Clapton. I immediately noticed how fake and processed the vocals were. So I watched his halftime performance last night, and it sounded the same. Birmingham 2021, same thing. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but then I watched this:

Now tell me that pickled codger sang this:

He's decaying. There's no way that feeble old man is doing those vocals. You'd be stupid to think so. Sharon looks like a cartoon character, and is being an evil Early Life section by trotting out this demented fuck for one last cash grab. She decided on an AI version of his voice for new songs, and is going to kill him by making him lip-sync in front of ten thousand Jim Nortons every night.

Nice sperg out, faggot.

She's pure evil. The guy is clearly dying, and she couldn't let the "Ozzy brand" go cold without trying to milk it yet again, with another terrible, terrible new album that absolutely no one wants or needs. He's a sideshow attraction now, lip-synching during halftime shows like a novelty act while everyone comments on how old and decrepit he is now. It's a pathetic spectacle. There's no way he's doing this voluntarily.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
She's pure evil. The guy is clearly dying, and she couldn't let the "Ozzy brand" go cold without trying to milk it yet again, with another terrible, terrible new album that absolutely no one wants or needs. He's a sideshow attraction now, lip-synching during halftime shows like a novelty act while everyone comments on how old and decrepit he is now. It's a pathetic spectacle. There's no way he's doing this voluntarily.

She’s probably still furious that he was fucking his hair dresser.