A professional chef's opinion on a fat man's wellington

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
My woman is a chef, I bothered her at work for you faggots

Will Tate

Oven March
If a fella were to start texting him as disgusted Gordon Ramsay (and other famous chefs) commenting on his dishes, you could serve up my ribs at Chili's.
As long as an imposter child doesn't tweet the pic to Ramsey asking what his posturing limey faggot ass thinks of a better beef Wellington than bleach-tipped Anglo filth like him could ever hope to pull out of his ass. That would be just be awful.


That’s nice and all, but how can you know for sure she isn’t getting bent over and railed in the parking lot by fernando the bus boy after they close?
Kitchen workers are the most degenerate people out there, they all pound a couple whiskey cokes when it empties out and then it’s all up to chance

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
That’s nice and all, but how can you know for sure she isn’t getting bent over and railed in the parking lot by fernando the bus boy after they close?
Kitchen workers are the most degenerate people out there, they all pound a couple whiskey cokes when it empties out and then it’s all up to chance
nigga no woman is going to put up with me willingly unless she wants to