A One-Word Message – In Red, White And Blue – Delivered To Veterans


Joseph Cumia Guitar-666x1000px-Customsize.jpg

Look how fucking stupid he looks (redundant)

Just doing a search for some shit to post and I never saw this one or article before.

Throughout the event, musician Joseph Cumia, sang songs and played his guitar into a microphone. Joe is himself is an Army veteran, a specialist third class in communications stationed from 1977 to 1981 in Fort Bragg, North Carolina with the 82nd Airborne, his cap today emblazoned with its ensignia. The makeshift amphitheater resounded with a memorable soundtrack: the Beatles, Willie Nelson, Eric Clapton, James Taylor.

What happened to the request for his military records? Communications in my experience is just something they give the shitheads that can't do anything.
So brave. I bet he was soaking up the " Thank you for your service" even though he was such a buffoon that they issued him a radio and not a gun. He just did the bare minimum during peacetime .
If we want to jip Anth, we should probably start some 'fake' news that Brother Joe got the idea for the O&A show when he was on the Army radio, Joe would probably pick-up that story & run with it.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Something you MILLENIALS don’t seem to understand is SERVICE to your COUNTRY. Sure, I didn’t see combat. NEITHER did YOU. Peeling potatoes as you call it, was actually learning how to COMMUNICATE information to SOLDIERS on the FIELD. Now I’m paying RESPECT to the MEN who have SACRIFICED to defend our COUNTRY. Something morons like you don’t APPRECIATE. And I’m doing it the only way I know how. TO ROCK! 😎🤘🏻🎸 #justlikeeric #veterans #USAPride


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now
When I was a small feller my grandfather would take me to a local VA hospital that he lived by to get his cigarettes and get me candy, you had to walk through this yard/park where they let the "safe" psych cases sit on benches and this is what they looked like plus they always were trying to mooch change off you, recently found out my grandfather was also in 82nd for D-Day but he never wore a hat or made big deal about