A Kiwi Farms Mystery

The Fuchitive

Still alive as of January 2024
They think if our Kiwi Farms spy is really a rascal doing a bit we’ll have to give him the Dan treatment.

You have it backwards, stlaker. You are the eternal L, child.



it doesn't taste all that good
Josh Moon described us as the relatives he likes to see at thanksgiving but is glad they live 2 states away. We (HQ, and hopefully most of the staff although God forbid us talking on your behalf) consider every Kiwi to be the annoying 14 year old niece that your uncle drives over from Idaho for the holidays who won't shut up about anime and how awful everythng is and you spend the whole time wishing she'd fall face first into the corner of a glass table.

Also, what the fuck does this feeble minded buffoon think this place is? If everyone who started a terrible bit got run off from here it'd be like 4 people (what? you mean like now? hahaholeeshit! We're including ourselves here btw which reminds us, it's nearly Summerslam and we don't have a #1 contender for Wyzz,). It's not like something like Flaviagate happens every day. It took a good few months to build up, like most angles do. The dirty diaper guy has more traction than this, it's been a few days.

TLDR: We need to build a strong heel.

Edit - And finally, Columbia is a University and 'toilet scrubbing' is not a one word verb no matter how badly you spell it. For all the shit we give her, Flavia probably speaks better English than half their stupid board
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