40% of kids will be faggots in 2032.



Almost every attractive female under 21 that I meet is doing the tomboy dyke thing and will tell anyone who will listen that they are a lesbian. It always ends up being a phase and it's always annoying to endure.

My stupid kiked sister recently told us that she went on a date with a woman. My dad asked "why?" and she said "ummmmm i dunnooooo" because she isn't actually a lesbian, she's just a kiked retard.


There are two groups behind this:

1. one are believers in the Shekinah (Divine feminine) of the Kabbalah and will actively recruit for eg manifestations of Masculine energy (Bruce Jenner, Dwayne Wade) and make them sacrifice their masculinity to the shekinah altar. They drew titties on the Baphomet statue to rep this. Religious shit.

2. the second group is just old-school saboteurs...think Edward Bernays, Disney corp. etc. they actively want a confused generation via social engineering for military purposes and advantages. No esoteric shit to it...just old-school Tavistock institute scientific shit.

both Jewish but different goals.


You guys have to educate your family and loved ones. Point out in a calm but timely manner how media propaganda is engineering young people towards severely destructive lifestyles and how it is progressively getting more brazen and turbocharged.
And make sure to do it on Facebook, preferably as longform as possible, and throw some emojis at the end.


And make sure to do it on Facebook, preferably as longform as possible, and throw some emojis at the end.
Once two (18-24ish) young girls walked towards me holding hands...I didn't even notice them until they were about to pass me, which was when I caught a glimpse of one of the girls, and she had this sheepish, guilty look in her eyes, like "sowwy daddy stranger i just wnt the attention, but i know its wrong"...

Turk February

Our experiences exceed yours.
When I was in high school, we were pushing 100%. I didn't even know I was a faggot but everyone else seemed to know, and just referred to me as a faggot. Then I noticed that some of my old friends were acting like faggots, so I called them faggots, and decided to smoke dope with the cool faggots instead. Then my faggot girlfriend sucked my faggot dick in my faggot basement.


Once two (18-24ish) young girls walked towards me holding hands...I didn't even notice them until they were about to pass me, which was when I caught a glimpse of one of the girls, and she had this sheepish, guilty look in her eyes, like "sowwy daddy stranger i just wnt the attention, but i know its wrong"...

I will literally look past them and pretend not to notice them. If you actually speak to them, anytime they try to say any "i'm a leeessbian!!!" shit, even in their tone you can hear they don't believe it. I just look at them like they're lying, and they lose all confidence to change the subject and then never bring it up to me again because they know I won't humor it.