20 years on from the biggest lie


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
>"tough guy"

Not sure I recognized it while listening to the show, but from his current youtube vlogs it's evident he has severe masculinity insecurities.

One video (which I posted about and wont find because I don't owe you an explanation, child) he talks about how he took home economics class in high school. For our fog and koala nigger readers, it's a class from the 1950s women took in high school to learn how to cook and make their husbands happy when they get back from work. Apropos nothing, Gregg pointed out that he did so because he got to stare at "Becky's tits" the whole time, and that the actual tough guys who opted for shop class didn't know what they were missing. He never directly stated that he was mocked and humiliated for taking Home Ec, but the phantom bully was all but present next to him, age 60, as he made the video still trying to validate himself all these decades later.

In another he did the equivalent of a DIY MAN STUFF post where he talked about his attempt to diagnose and fix a broken oven in his apartment. He was proud of himself for imagining he found the source of the problem as the thermocouple. In the end, like Sam with his flat tire, he had no choice but to call in a handyman. He even attempted to brag to the handyman that (though he didn't state it this way and probably couldn't admit it to himself) at least he was competent and manly enough to diagnose and understand the problem. "Mr Handiman, btw, to save you some time, it's the thermocouple." It turned out he was wrong and got humiliated. The handiman was another iteration of his highschool bullies who mocked him for being a faggot taking Home Ec, and his pain was so great he resorted to using an audience who hates him to try to air it out


>"tough guy"

Not sure I recognized it while listening to the show, but from his current youtube vlogs it's evident he has severe masculinity insecurities.

One video (which I posted about and wont find because I don't owe you an explanation, child) he talks about how he took home economics class in high school. For our fog and koala nigger readers, it's a class from the 1950s women took in high school to learn how to cook and make their husbands happy when they get back from work. Apropos nothing, Gregg pointed out that he did so because he got to stare at "Becky's tits" the whole time, and that the actual tough guys who opted for shop class didn't know what they were missing. He never directly stated that he was mocked and humiliated for taking Home Ec, but the phantom bully was all but present next to him, age 60, as he made the video still trying to validate himself all these decades later.

In another he did the equivalent of a DIY MAN STUFF post where he talked about his attempt to diagnose and fix a broken oven in his apartment. He was proud of himself for imagining he found the source of the problem as the thermocouple. In the end, like Sam with his flat tire, he had no choice but to call in a handyman. He even attempted to brag to the handyman that (though he didn't state it this way and probably couldn't admit it to himself) at least he was competent and manly enough to diagnose and understand the problem. "Mr Handiman, btw, to save you some time, it's the thermocouple." It turned out he was wrong and got humiliated. The handiman was another iteration of his highschool bullies who mocked him for being a faggot taking Home Ec, and his pain was so great he resorted to using an audience who hates him to try to air it out
is that you that nigger dre?