2 fuckin years I did in the can...



2 years? Those are rookie numbers! I bet you difn’t even have to make a grilled cheese sandwich on the radiator!



pretty cool shirt brotherman. $30 isn't too bad. I've sold vintage wrestling shirts for hundreds!

Did you have a tv in your cell when you were in prison? i was in county for 4 weeks and it sucked but a lot of the guys said prison isn't so bad.
Yeah we had TV with cable but we all kicked in 30 bucks a piece to get it. I was medium security and a TV goes for round about 200.

I paid 100 a pop for a crack at a tranny (but you also got to drink with her so you got completely shit faced after you fucked her) and that was better than anything they were going to find on cable lol.

You know the first time I got sentenced I was supposed to be in there for 20 years and I got it overturned to ONE. Scariest part in prison is proving yourself. That whole candy bar on your bed or knock the guy whose biggest out thing is complete and utter movie BS. But someone will come up and punch you in the face. That is real. Because they want to see if you're going to put that work in or if you're going to go out like a bitch.

Camel Clutch

Yeah we had TV with cable but we all kicked in 30 bucks a piece to get it. I was medium security and a TV goes for round about 200.

I paid 100 a pop for a crack at a tranny (but you also got to drink with her so you got completely shit faced after you fucked her) and that was better than anything they were going to find on cable lol.

You know the first time I got sentenced I was supposed to be in there for 20 years and I got it overturned to ONE. Scariest part in prison is proving yourself. That whole candy bar on your bed or knock the guy whose biggest out thing is complete and utter movie BS. But someone will come up and punch you in the face. That is real. Because they want to see if you're going to put that work in or if you're going to go out like a bitch.
do most guys have family sending them money each month? what happens if you have no money, can you earn somehow?


do most guys have family sending them money each month? what happens if you have no money, can you earn somehow?
Yeah you earn. everybody earns.

30 cents an hour. It's almost a joke how much you earn in prison. And they wonder why we put work in. You stab a pedophile? That's like $50 automatic dude

They set you up to be a bigger criminal in prison when you go in.


How much did you get for selling your ass and mouth?
I didn't have to sell it. I purchased it. I'm not ashamed to say it, some of the lady boys in the joint looked better than the women I've hooked up with on the outside.

They live like MILLIONAIRES tho. I mean you're going somewhere where there's no kissy kissy and pussy pussy, they name their price for how much it takes to get in the underwear.


do most guys have family sending them money each month? what happens if you have no money, can you earn somehow?
You can sell drawings and shit- it's gay. And some guys can sew and make shit like caps (beanies and trade those) or trade your tray for commissary. If you can't do any of that, you may be able to get in good with a guy who orders a lot of commissary and he shares it. Not completely uncommon. Dude I knew probably received $500 or so in commissary every week ($250 on Tuesday and $250 on Saturday) and he was always sharing shit with a select group of Mexicans. If you ever wonder how a motherfucker can gain weight in jail? That's how-- shit load of fritz pie, jail lasagna, and giant burritos.


You can sell drawings and shit- it's gay. And some guys can sew and make shit like caps (beanies and trade those) or trade your tray for commissary. If you can't do any of that, you may be able to get in good with a guy who orders a lot of commissary and he shares it. Not completely uncommon. Dude I knew probably received $500 or so in commissary every week ($250 on Tuesday and $250 on Saturday) and he was always sharing shit with a select group of Mexicans. If you ever wonder how a motherfucker can gain weight in jail? That's how-- shit load of fritz pie, jail lasagna, and giant burritos.
This dude either did time or is looking shit up online

You know ft dodge commissary is Monday my nigga 😂


This dude either did time or is looking shit up online

You know ft dodge commissary is Monday my nigga 😂
He was part owner of a strip club (so in with the Cartel)- got busted dealing coke out of the club- multiple kilo sales and I believe human trafficking-- having illegals ferried in and out of club and basically working as sex slaves. I think he made a deal for 5 years and he was justing waiting for the chain.

He was basically on the phone all day and had unlimited access to whatever the fuck he wanted (save for dope/booze). The guards and all inmates- regardless of race, deferred to him.

He would get huge sacks of food every commissary delivery and hot food delivered on Saturday & Sunday. He had a group of around 5-6 Mexicans that orbited him and hung on his every word. He shared his shit with them. And when he finally did catch the chain, he gave all his shit away to the 3 Mexicans or so left from his group. He literally paid the bail (in the thousands for 2 or 3 guys in his group). Although, one of they guys he helped bail out and setup with a lawyer was back a month later with charges of multi-kilo meth, coke, lean, and getting caught with an AR. He had just received 10 years probation from a deal with the help of the lawyer the cartel connected guy hooked him up with. Oopsie Doodles!