10-28-21 Mewler Report: The stats are in: MSNBC talking points are tiresome and a turnoff.




He's so desperate to stop the bleeding that he's quote tweeting stuff and the past 2 days it seems like he's just retweeting his own shit. Rick, it's not getting likes and you're not getting followers because your shit sucks and nobody likes it. Everyone's sick of it.

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
He's so desperate to stop the bleeding that he's quote tweeting stuff and the past 2 days it seems like he's just retweeting his own shit. Rick, it's not getting likes and you're not getting followers because your shit sucks and nobody likes it. Everyone's sick of it.
jeez, I don't know why he's so invested in twitter. I mean, he's not even verified!

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig