

Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.

Edit: it's a Pat sermon


Double edit

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Sue Lightning

Its just constant day in day out fear mongering. And for what. Its not like these fat fags are gonna get off twitter and start an IRL revolution. They just sit there and watch the world burn and get stuck in this cycle of depression over it. Like at some point you either have to stop consuming that shit or do something about it.

Oh wait, they are “doing something about it”. They’re tweeting. Faggots.


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.
Its just constant day in day out fear mongering. And for what. Its not like these fat fags are gonna get off twitter and start an IRL revolution. They just sit there and watch the world burn and get stuck in this cycle of depression over it. Like at some point you either have to stop consuming that shit or do something about it.

Oh wait, they are “doing something about it”. They’re tweeting. Faggots.




He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
Bathrooms where they're least likely to be raped? Name one example where a straight guy has raped a tranny in the men's room, pat. Juuuust one example. Cmon. Just oooooooone example. But there have been plenty of tranny pedophiles and perverts who have

I forgot to actually fibish my sentence but i'm not deleting my post


Edit: it's a Pat sermon

View attachment 122457
  • It's not illegal to wear any clothes unless your genitals are showing
  • Their freedom to use the bathroom associated with their biological sex is the same as everyone else's
  • Their freedom to play on the sports team associated with their biological sex is the same as everyone else's
  • No books are illegal.
  • ??? lol
  • Doctors are allowed to treat them. Removing the genitalia from a child is not "treatment"
I would kill to see Patrick get his dream job of being a talking fat head on CNN or whatever, then actually have to argue this shit with somebody who disagrees with him on air without the ability to block.