Opie and Anthony Reddit Forums

Prison Enjoyer

Status: Enjoying Prison! 😁
  • Deleted by Prison Enjoyer
  • Reason: wrong as always, stlaker
I feel like Quaso’s legal team really motherfuckkkked him on this one.

Peña wouldn’t have made this mistake.

Peña would've been doing lines and be up all night with a broad under the table servicing him as he types up the counter-motion and prepares for immediate domestication thereafter on the 1st night after the dismissal. Jerry Jen, rather than sending in a motion, instead sent the court a piece of dried bamboo with a bunch of random Chinese characters written on it in ink the following spring.

At least that's what it seems like, I hope that admin guy is right and there's a lot more to this then any of us know, and behind-the scenes it was actually a court fuckup. I have trust in that Quasi guy and aren't going to judge before we know the full story. We'll see what happens.
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