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Yeah, wasn't that remark even kinda backhanded? I remember the hearing going along the lines of Pat's lawyers pointing at a screenshot and saying: "Look what DiggerNick69 said about my client!", and Stein responding: "That's fine and all, and you'd have a decent case if you were suing DiggerNick69. However, the question at hand is whether any defamation was done by John Doe 1 and so far you've still not produced any evidence to the positive."
I know I'm a broken record but it's fucking astounding looking back and seeing just how badly he fucked up his case by including Quasi. You can't compile an elaborate suit with 60 defendants with multiple charges each and then have absolutely zero dirt on your prime suspect, the guy on which the whole remainder of the suit hinges on.
I genuinely don’t think Brinto was dumb enough to not know this. I suspect he wanted Quasi included as an intimidation tactic. When it became clear Quasi would fight back, I bet Brinton suggested dropping him but at that point Pat was out for blood.